Wednesday, May 7, 2008

VOD, part 5: How the Firefighters Association interview went

Portland, Oregon:

The battle for Senate District 23 has mostly played out behind the scenes, with few opportunities for the public to weigh in or participate.

In VOD Part 5, we will scrutinize the Firefighters Association role in the race, and...


You will select the better-qualified candidate for The Endorsement, the cash and the 1,000 free lawn signs!


Public Safety, Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response in the state of Oregon

The qualifications of both candidates shall be identified! In public!!!

The question: Oregon could experience a disaster that would quickly overwhelm the state. Which candidate is better prepared to improve the state’s readiness and protect the constituents of Senate District 23?


On Experience
On Preparation for the responsibility in the Oregon Senate
On Commitment
On Information obtained in the interview
On Wired Connections

Candidate “A”:

[] Volunteer, Portland Police Crisis Response Team, since 1998
[] Volunteer, Portland Police Chief’s Forum, 2005-2006
[] Volunteer, Appointed by the U.S. Attorney, Albina Weed & Seed Steering Committee (priorities: crime reduction, neighborhood restoration)
[] Volunteer, Founding Board Member, National Organization of Weed & Seed, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.
[] Chair, Faith Community Committee, National Organization of Weed & Seed, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.
[] Oregon Senate staff experience, more than five years
[] Staff for Committee Chair, Joint Ways and Means Public Safety, 2005 legislative session. All state public safety budgets and plans move through this committee.
[] Observer, TOPOFF, 5-day dirty bomb exercise (here are the links)

The Scenario: The T4 full-scale exercise is based on National Planning Scenario 11 (NPS-11). Terrorists have planned attacks in Oregon, Arizona, and the U.S. Territory of Guam. They have brought radioactive material into the United States. The first of three coordinated attacks occurs in Guam, with the detonation of a Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD), or “dirty bomb,” causing casualties and widespread contamination in a populous area. Within hours, similar attacks occur in Portland and Phoenix.

More than 4,000 gear up for dirty bomb exercise in Portland
Posted by The Oregonian October 04, 2007 13:36PM
Categories: Breaking News

Gov. Ted Kulongoski joined Portland Mayor Tom Potter in Salem today to announce that final preparations are under way for Oregon to be part of the largest anti-terrorism exercise in the nation's history later this month.

A fictional "dirty bomb" will go off in downtown Portland, crippling transportation and sending a radioactive cloud over the city, as part of the five-day Top Officials exercise -- dubbed "TOPOFF" -- starting Oct. 15. It will involve more than 50 local, state and federal agencies, and five counties.

Read a state report on the exercise here.

But ENOUGH about Candidate “A.”

Candidate “B”:

[] Four campaigns, four Firefighters Association contributions
[] A letter
[] A phone call

Support was signaled for Candidate “B” nearly a year ago, days after Candidate “B” announced candidacy, long before Candidate “B” had an opponent.

Posted by: Randy Leonard Aug 6, 2007 11:41:02 PM

No legislator worked harder than (Candidate “B”) to pass a biofuels package in the last legislative session. As important to me, (Candidate “B”) was the City of Portland's champion in preventing the oil industry from inserting language in the biofuels legislation that would have nullified Portland's ordinance requiring 5% biodiesel in every gallon of petroleum diesel sold.

(Candidate “B”) is the real deal. (Candidate “B”) will be an outstanding State Senator and I am going to do whatever I am asked to help (Candidate “B”) succeed.


Portland City Commissioner Randy Leonard was President of the Portland Firefighters Association, 1986 to 1998.


The interview was held January 29.

Candidate “A” attended the closed-room event. Nothing is known about Candidate “B’s” interview



Who won The Endorsement?

Who won the CASH?

Who won the 1,000 free lawn signs?

You be the judge!!!

Find out who won in the next exciting installment of Voter-Owned Democracy!!!

Look for future exciting, behind-the-scenes updates and installments on:

1. AFSCME-gate

2. The Revenge of the Avenistas

3. …and more….

Believe it!

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